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EECA Funding Brought Forward

There’s more money in the pot for EV innovators seeking co-funding in the next 12 months.

EECA has brought forward an additional $1 million for the Government’s Low Emission Vehicles Contestable Fund for the 2018/19 financial year, making a grand total of $7 million available for rounds 5 and 6.

“We want to get more projects underway earlier, when investment is likely to have greater impact in accelerating uptake of EVs,” says EECA’s Chief Executive Andrew Caseley. “This will more effectively support the target of 64,000 EVs by 2021.”

The funding is being moved forward from the final year of the contestable fund, 2020/21.

Round 5 is due to open in mid-August, with successful applicants from round 4 announced at around the same time.

[Electric Vehicle News - EECA - 13 June 2018]